●『数学的な宇宙』で、数学的に可能な宇宙はすべて実在すると書いたMITの理論物理学者マックス・テグマークが、その次に書いた一般向けの本は、人工知能と人間の未来についての本だった(『Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence』)。人工知能時代に人間であること。以下は、その本についてのインタビュー。この本も翻訳が出るといいのだけど。
Interview: Max Tegmark on Superintelligent AI, Cosmic Apocalypse, and Life 3.0
《If we raise children who go on to fulfill the dreams that we couldn’t fulfill ourselves, then we can be very proud of them, even if we don’t live to see it all. But if we instead raise the next Adolf Hitler who destroys everything that we care about, we’ll be less enthusiastic. That’s why we put so much effort into raising our children: To make sure they adopt our values. That’s what we as a society have to do to if we create a superintelligent AI, teach it to adopt our values. Which is easier said that done. It’s a great responsibility to give birth to a child. And if it’s the child of all humanity, the responsibility is even bigger.》
《The debate shouldn’t be left to a bunch of computer geeks like myself.》
《That’s partly why I wrote this book. This is a conversation that everyone needs to join. But for them to join it constructively, we need to educate them about what the challenges and opportunities actually are. Otherwise it degenerates into the scaremongering that the British tabloids do. Ultimately, this is a very exciting opportunity. Everything I love about civilization is the product of intelligence. If we can create a beneficial superintelligence, we can help humanity flourish better than ever before.》